tights and stockings
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Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Fr Jul 03, 2020 2:35 pm
Ich kann Dir versichern, dass es klappt. Was Du noch tun musst, sind Feinheiten wie Textgrösse, Unterstreichungen, Kursivschrift, Farbauswahl (klappt bei links nicht) etc., stipulieren.

Um Links als Links zu erkennen, brauchts vielleicht doch das entsprechende Icon, was ich gerade testen will:


Ja so klappts und der lLnk erschient in hellblauer Farbe., so klappts nicht:


Doch es klappt auch, aber nur mit der Farbe blau, ich versuchte es mit rot.



Nachtrag: Das mit blau wahr wohl ein Wunschtraum, da habe ich wohl einfach den "Icon-Link" kopiert.

joggelich mag diesen Beitrag

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
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Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Fr Jul 03, 2020 6:22 pm
Lieber Joggeli,

dass werde ich in naher Zukunft auch ausprobieren.
Danke für die Tipps.

Deine Moni
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Fr Jul 03, 2020 6:24 pm
Hallo Joggeli,

aber wie kann ich nachträglich in meinem Beitrag den Text korrigieren? Das habe ich noch nicht gefunden.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Fr Jul 03, 2020 7:40 pm
Liebe Monika

Das habe ich mich auch gefragt. Heureka: Oben rechts auf der Höhe des Betriffs, befinden sich 4 Icons: Mittesl anklicken des 3. von links, es  könnte einen Griffel darstellen, kannst Du Deinen Text redigieren.. Eben habe ich neu entdeckt, dass der "AfD"-Icon (AfD->Rechts aussen), der einen Papierkorb darstellen könnte, zum Löschen Deiner Beitrags dienen könnte. Leider kannst Du Donald Pinocchio Trump  (aka Trump-El-tier bzw. Elefant im Porzellanladen),  nicht einfach mittels dieses Icons entsorgen.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Fr Jul 03, 2020 8:00 pm
Lieber Joggeli,

dass habe ich vorhin nach einiger Suche auch gefunden.
In der Tat müssen muss ich mich an die andere Vorgehensweise erst noch zurechtfinden.
An der Entfernung von Trump müssen wir tatsächlich noch daran arbeiten.
Na ja, vielleicht ist es ja im November soweit. Ich hoffe es jedenfalls.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1961
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
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Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 12:58 am
Kleiner tipp.
Wenn ihr mit dem pfeil auf die icons geht seht ihr für was sie sind.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty CisGirl-.Abreissblattkalender

Sa Jul 04, 2020 1:17 am

Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden

Heute habe ich für Euch (und natürlich auch für mich), Girls in Girdles ausgewählt

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Z7116a63j4m Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Unnamed5ijb2 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tumblr_pmnsuwbmeh1vvj0dk3w Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tumblr_p1gkluqtpa1wauhpj6q Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Thecorsetiere3-glamourpkmr Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Stock-photo-retro-fifj7jon Girls and Boys - Seite 3 S-woman-girdle-puttinhvjfp Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Retro-fifties-pinup-aelkfn Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Imagesafkr9 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Girdlegirl2x9kn6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Girdle-girl-in-nylonspekar Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Girdle-girl-in-nylonsmuki9 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Girdle-girl-3-andrew-lzkt5 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Girdle-girl-2-andrew-u7jid Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Fc6bffbce81e49514360fetkvb Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Faf91b7b04d3f7eb5920e2sjh5 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 F31add7e054518ff0f76dq6j17 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 F8ab3b26854f29a7b1451bokpx Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Ea3bc333ed0c53c76c79ebbkvu Girls and Boys - Seite 3 E20959583aca6daadb93a2qk9z

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 E2416e04c7496261c35e880j7x Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Dcbe7adf47bcedd5a171fg2j7l Girls and Boys - Seite 3 D79d38725390b4a76b6438njee Girls and Boys - Seite 3 D70fb3276eefe652be1f3fkksy Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Cf681ccbfd3d8a89536c1ztk72 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Cf25c22e890cae4bef3707tjm5 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Ce466d865dfa48d11a3c4cuk7s Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Cbadbd84e566c69ae731a3ok4m Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Ca4fa16c48f0ac61597e8gdjoh Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Be7bf21c9232822ae2700o3k1m Girls and Boys - Seite 3 B725228e7b7d99513600601jdy Girls and Boys - Seite 3 B59d35b1c02ca0ac72734ilkkx Girls and Boys - Seite 3 B56ddcb1f059414e5731bxwjku Girls and Boys - Seite 3 B24ff6f460d202cdf6995knjvi Girls and Boys - Seite 3 B12b4a4b189ae3e1ef5395ckvq Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Aeef05b9e39043088db1eejkwb Girls and Boys - Seite 3 A53314894302d19064a08hwjd0 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 55611952670bbc7d8661ccvjk6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 65052430e49b0a20ab300jikrs Girls and Boys - Seite 3 7797820b7e693ca936979xbjwx

Morgen gehts im gleichen Sinn weiter.

Herzliche Grüsse
Euer Jakob, Chief Product Officer der Abreissblattkalenderverlag Inc.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 1:24 am

Geschätzte Kundinnen und Kunden

Wie versprochen, folgt hiemit die 2. Ladung:

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 251f06b2094363672819dzgj8c Girls and Boys - Seite 3 231fe71c1d60921f65cb1ypjgm Girls and Boys - Seite 3 93d56355445eb3a1db22c8mkvj Girls and Boys - Seite 3 82ec24a85120966f05c00f8ktw Girls and Boys - Seite 3 48b2fe0dbe998ff339d446ej09 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 31cd88d3d0884be81cb4fb6j1o Girls and Boys - Seite 3 29eb9a1175ac468f0d7edl1klz Girls and Boys - Seite 3 12a17c68e39ad49895069hkjcq Girls and Boys - Seite 3 9fdadc7bde694bea7a495bljr6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 9f74b17eeee1d0e5f54a7w7jcq Girls and Boys - Seite 3 9edea51ceb7750df08837cjk99 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 8e7ffbe5b24a5d1c8ac4celjlc Girls and Boys - Seite 3 07e419d998b636e4ee1d337joi Girls and Boys - Seite 3 6a2aa587a027ac25a6783d5ki8 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5f0a4ec66fb090e70df2cuuknb Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5edf03b4bf881377099df0kjwn Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5c8d7c996e28782e1b34499kv9 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5be777016a6dda22737d3f9kbl Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5be6dd90adccd9406b85e6fk0u Girls and Boys - Seite 3 4b43ef32e8ead79596846bekvn

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 3f51b77c2956fe071f77flak6x Girls and Boys - Seite 3 3d24188001c413d853a31yljqn Girls and Boys - Seite 3 3b0eb505f4611e6cf8e628vjto Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2fba94db409865700c24699jmf Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2f0835af3c65f489fdf3crajl6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 02efcf5ec78181a464173w2kos Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2eead5f372574092c5b0a89km6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2a255be120dfbf947e3421kj50 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2-girdle-girl-andrew-fekfy Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1f1eb4c937dedc2a1991ckoke0 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1d0878480db6a8237477bo6jrh Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1c98e0832e8b817bcfedfhnjr1 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1a6fcce56aa6a23b6d392czjwc

Ich wünsche Euch allen ein schönes Wochenende

Euer Jakob. CPO der Abreissblattkalenderverlag Inc.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 1961
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 64
Ort : Confoederatio Helvetica

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 1:32 am
Tempi passati!
Es is einfach so, obwohl ich sehr froh bin das ich in den wilden 70 ern aufwachsen durfte, war diese mode schon sehr elegant für die mannequins oder die girls die solche figuren hatten.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5037609990_a12889d975_o"Let's All Pretend We're Mannequins!" by saltycotton, auf Flickr

Für die kräftigeren war diese zeit modisch eher eine tortur.
Auch hat sie für mich zu viel drum und dran mit hüten, handschuhen und .handtaschen.
Von miederwaren und strümpfen ganz zu schweigen.
Wie viel besser haben wir girls es heute.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 8570415195_3ec9c9c718_oShorts on stairs by MartaCanga, auf Flickr

Aber wenn man sich halt freizwillig in lange hosen zwängt ist man selber schuld.
Es ist wie das ewige starren aufs smartphone, eine seuche Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Biggrin_girl
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1961
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 64
Ort : Confoederatio Helvetica

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 1:42 am
Hallo Joggeli

Ich sehe schon du bis wieder voll in deinem element und die bilder sind auch schön.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 49465118647_740eef6c7c_oSophia Loren by Tommy A., auf Flickr

Liebe grüsse und einen schönen tag
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 7:22 am

Geschätzte Kundinnen unseres TGirl-Abreissblattkalenders

Das TGirl aus Deutschland,  das ich Euch heute vorstelle, heisst Linda Zoe

Welcome to my little universe!
My name is Linda Zoe, and I am a German Glamour & Fetish model - I just love to dress up!
My favourite style: short dresses, nylons, long nails and high heels, all combined with heavy make-up and lots of bling...
I love you Linda I love you

Willkommen in meinem kleinen Universum!
Mein Name ist Linda Zoe, und ich bin ein deutsches Glamour- und Fetisch Model - ich liebe es einfach, mich als Girl zu kleiden!
Mein Lieblingsstil: kurze Kleider, Nylons, lange Fingernägel und High Heels, alles kombiniert mit schwerem Make-up und viel stark glitzernder und glänzender Schmuck sowie Accessoires
I love you Linda I love you

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 8dad44e398925abf3ad75jpkq1

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 42925084_560395714411ufkfq Girls and Boys - Seite 3 42508815_231226450900khjmg Girls and Boys - Seite 3 42397352_1029193539804rjqg Girls and Boys - Seite 3 42328085_752096015124lgjgm Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41908676_210159112651z4j81 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41899253_473816543026zik33 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41705549_217635606260jyj54 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41463068_4668435938259qjh2 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41361234_4689250302932lkz2 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41322818_166549624227akjar Girls and Boys - Seite 3 41295725_19167286652959kc7 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 40830524_312440016227xbjd5 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 40644015_158741935051uwkus Girls and Boys - Seite 3 40260323_30449945694883jab Girls and Boys - Seite 3 38771604_184292999578ldkv2 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 38662793_158241283186z5jx5 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 38434449_100609007621e3jr5 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 38271279_234378637221mpjts Girls and Boys - Seite 3 38166265_213970139635nnj78 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 37218755_432375957251hgjgh

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 37201125_262267807694zykid Girls and Boys - Seite 3 37178234_1800376186716vjxl Girls and Boys - Seite 3 36492766_572916833104w2k16 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 36135957_620574921653twjun Girls and Boys - Seite 3 36113649_213739584299w2j2m Girls and Boys - Seite 3 35575722_6129802524085pjuc Girls and Boys - Seite 3 33138648_602537853458suje3 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 32781272_388834901635nkkr8 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 32006523_450143938764kojyg Girls and Boys - Seite 3 31412236_170493010450gsjec Girls and Boys - Seite 3 30894625_1994753508410aj53 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 30604342_4018995302791bkzw Girls and Boys - Seite 3 26340787_2794149292534sjvx Girls and Boys - Seite 3 26319398_153087025474tjj70 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 26154459_140354866649qrjgg Girls and Boys - Seite 3 25035714_9824688252735xky1 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 25010224_151866968785lzjhu Girls and Boys - Seite 3 25009806_241660565856fikn8 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 24125557_1096579497822sk8d Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23967630_196679180879x2kv0

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23507557_163108044278hwktz Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23498603_176615250702tjjay Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23421952_5060453364601djse Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23279681_138653686787ifkil Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23164238_533659776970k8kcm Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23164127_365728090535mgkm9 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23161840_153413164334m3k5m Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23161307_1313763642494zkw0 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23161073_2844672353945yj5g Girls and Boys - Seite 3 23099215_153438955264rnkbv Girls and Boys - Seite 3 22858189_150174495321iwkzy Girls and Boys - Seite 3 22857505_206921179336qmj7y

Linda Zoes flickr-Account

Ich wünsche Euch allen, liebe Kundinnen und Kunden, ein schönes Wochenende. Ich selber bin heute wieder einmal mit einem roten sowie einem blauen Nylonstrumpf mit echten Nähten, von den Angelsachsen fully fashioned Nylons genannt. Dazu trage ich einen scharzen Hüfthalter von Rago mit 6 Strumpfhaltern, damit meine Nähte kerzengerade bleiben. Grund: Der FCB spielt heute Abend im Joggeli gegen die Neuenburger Xamax.

SissyGirl Jacqueline, deputy CEO und Co CPO der Abreissblattkalenderverlag Inc.

Etwas zu FFNs und RHTs

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 7:36 am

What Katie did
Why Were Tap Panties So Popular in the 1940s and 1950s
This weekend we take a look at Tap Pants which are floaty and cool, perfect for wearing on hot, sultry Summer days.
Why were Tap Panties so popular in the 1930s,40s and 50s? I reveal all!

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Bcdb4028-0885-4cc8-89c8knk

Why Were Tap Panties So Popular?

Why were French Knickers (Tap Panties) so popular in the first half of the 20th century? It's all down to the fabrics available at that time.
I wear: Edith Wrap Top in dark foral rayon with Felicity Circle Skirt by What Katie Did. Jewellery by https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Luxulite and https://splendette.com/ Hair flower by https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ShazamHa...
Find out more about What Katie Did at Full article: UK/outside the USA: https://www.whatkatiedid.com/blogs/ma...

Panties Pre Elastane and Lycra

The first thing you have to take note of is back in the '40s and '50s you didn’t have lycra or elastane. To have a stretch elastic in your lingerie, you would have had something called lastex and lastex which was a lot heavier than modern lingerie mesh. So while lastex is fine for corsetry, fine for shapewear, for panties it’s just too heavy. If you've got a '40s girdle, you know exactly what I'm talking about; because the rubber used on the sides of those, the elastic stretch panels are very, thick indeed.
When you look at our panties, which contain powermesh at the backs, the mesh is heavier than the meshes you'd find in modern day underwear or panties, but it's still a lot lighter than what would have been used in the '40s and '50s. So yes, our stretch panties are sexier than what were made in the 1940s or 1950s. Back then if you were going to make a stretch panty, it would have been made out of a stretch knit material like a cotton knit or a silk knit or moving onto the 1960s, a nylon knit.
The panties most women used to wear it in the 1940s and 1950s tended to be tap pants And I've got a pair of our CCO9 Tap Panties here, which are based on a 1940s pattern. There are two plus points for these kind of panties. One is they're made of non stretch fabric. So ours are made of a very, very light satin, which you would have been able to get back in the '30s, '40s, and '50s. And also they were relatively easy to make at home. And when I say relatively easy, I know making our CCO9 Tap Panties is very, very tricky because the fabric we use is so fine. It takes a long time for the machinists in our factory to actually be able to make these. But in the 1940s and 1950s a lot of them were made at home and they were made out of heavier fabrics as well as lighter weight fabrics and things like cotton. So you were able to make them at home and many, many women did. And I've got a few of my vintage samples to show you.
One of the questions I often get asked with tap panties is that how do you actually go to the bathroom in them? Tap pants are designed to be worn over your garter belt or girdle. So really all you'd see when you were wearing your tap panties would be the little garter straps sticking out the bottom and it's a very elegant and sexy and flirty look. Of course you often see pictures of women in '30s and the '40s wearingtap pants and they're almost down to their knees, but there were a lot of glamorous French knickers around as well.
940s Inspired CC09 Tap Panties

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighterqbkvn
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighter1m0kfv
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighter.2jpg33jnm

So firstly, I'll just tell you a couple of things about our CCO9 Tap Panties. They are based on a 1940s CC41 British pattern, and I have made other videos about these tap panties which I’ve added below so please check those out. There is no elastic in our tap pants and I have tried to incorporate elastic into the back of tap panties just to make the fit easier several times. But when it comes down to it, the best fit and the best looking tap panty is always one without elastic. So if you can get these to fit you, and I know they either fit you and look amazing or sometimes the fit isn't quite there. If they do fit you, they do absolutely look absolutely fantastic.

1940s Inspired CC09 Tap Panties

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighteronjmi
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighteryhjpw
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighterokklb

The first pair of vintage panties I have to show you are this beautiful pair of semi sheer tap pants, and these are handmade and hand embroidered. We have been inspired by these a couple of times in the past. This yoke section at the front we've incorporated in a few of our pairs of tap panties, but it's the kind of detailing you just won't find on a modern pair. These are totallyhand-sewn and hand embroidered and there's just hours and hours of work put into these amazing panties. I'm really proud to own them and keep them safe because you just don't get workmanship like this anymore. You wouldn't have someone who would have spent this amount of time making a pair of panties.
These tap panties have a narrow strip of elastic at the back to help with fit. And they also have a button at each side and we've also incorporated this trick into some of our tap panties as well. Instead of having just one side opening, we've got a little opening at both sides. So these are really cute and really fancy tap panties that you won't see made in modern day.
1920s/30s Tap Panties

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighteryejpx
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighter3gk6x Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighter6ckd7

To prove to you that panties could be risque in past I have two pairs of tap pant which I found on Portobello Road in London, just around the corner from our London boutique.
The first pair are homemade and they have a Peter Pan zig zag trim, which was so popular in the 1920s and 1930s, and they've got a really interesting crotch detail which is just a strip between your legs. So it's not that flattering, not that comfortable, but the panties are just adorable. It would be very difficult to remake something like this, especially with the modern expectations of but they're just gorgeous panties.
'Eve's Leaves' Tap Panties

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighterpeknc
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighter0ljoj
Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighteraxjgw

Lastly I have an even racier pair to show you. They are called ‘Eve's Leaves’ by Chevette and that gives you a hint. Eve's Leaves Tap Panties are made from a very fine tulle and they have the fig leaf across the crotch, which is very saucy indeed. There was a matching bra made to go with it but unfortunately I don’t have that in my collection yet. We have made a pair of tap pants influenced by these with an art deco emblem on the crotch and that was part of our cabaret range a few years ago.
While I would like to remake something like these, the tulle now is soft and I don't know whether that's because it's been washed a few times or whether it's through age, but I know when I've tried to source tulle, it's very, very stiff. The French knickers we made with the art deco emblem on the front, they were made of a sheer nylon fabric and it had to be quite stiff to be able to sew the emblem, and they were difficult to make. They looked cute, but they would have been nicer if they had a softer fabric, but then of course we wouldn't be able to sew the emblem on with a softer fabric.
The Eve’s Leaves panty emblem is overlocked all the way around the outside, so they have a very, very fine stitch all the way around the outside to cover the raw edges. The stitching is beautiful and very very neat but it's a workmanship that it'd just be too expensive to do these days due to the time it would take and the intricacy of the design.

Shop Tap Panties

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1940s-map-tap-pants-l1sk9b Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1940s-map-tap-pants-luwkyb Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1940s-map-tap-pants-lp4kz6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1940s-map-tap-pants-lo0j70 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tap-panties-cc09-l201srk09 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tap-panties-cc09-l201bujcc Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tap-panties-cc09-l201fekse Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tap-panties-cc09-l201hmj5b Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Tap-panties-cc09-l201mujzk

Diesen Beitrag habe ich zwar für das Forum "langestruempfe01" vorbereitet. Da dieses Forum jedoch vom Erreger der Schlafkrankheit (Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense), infiziert worden ist, bin ich Polly dankbar, dass wir hier eine valable Ausweichmöglichkeit gefunden habe.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 7:44 am

Geschätzte Kundinnen und Kunden

Es ist Retro-Zeit, diese kommt hoffentlich gut bei Euch an

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1e33d2071642806c20330erjoo Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2e804de5a5d9287393972fjjpf Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5ffb215ec488b158a6687vmkld Girls and Boys - Seite 3 9b9b258980589844eea1c7hjsj Girls and Boys - Seite 3 9bad0b5175963b4efa807e1jp2 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 14a9e98e138fc405b06b49ekco Girls and Boys - Seite 3 81fd2d1ea96198777bb32trjy6 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 541d2a5471e5260550f094ejat Girls and Boys - Seite 3 824a447bb7621edc68e7e46jih Girls and Boys - Seite 3 973c5cfeec2b74d0a1cdctpkr7 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 1676d64a063e51b205c03i5kbl Girls and Boys - Seite 3 11682bb80a623a14f0ae4clkmn Girls and Boys - Seite 3 093563d2116ee4b233fe4ngjj4 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2836339b2edccbfe40d28lnjro Girls and Boys - Seite 3 2962572917_f0610f6759cvk83 Girls and Boys - Seite 3 4021779315_abc4811362b1kri Girls and Boys - Seite 3 5291779785_e0471066b719jra Girls and Boys - Seite 3 8028992001_f29f74f29693kpg Girls and Boys - Seite 3 8038427691_cb69540d09jdkfn

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Schöne Pfingsten
An Pfingsten, geht’s am ringsten

Liebe Grüsse
Euer Jakob, Chief CPO der Abreissblattkalenderverlag Inc.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 8:09 am


Ich freue mich, Euch diesmal Samantha (Sami) Prescott vorstellen zu dürfen:

Updated 2/15/2019

Hello Everyone and welcome to my Flickr page. I joined here in January of 2013 shortly after venturing out into the real world for the first time. I think that after 6 years I am well overdue to put up a more detailed intro and bio of myself.

Before I do I just want to let YOU ALL know how appreciative I am for all the views and wonderful comments everyone has made over the years in regards to my photos, the messages that I've recieved, and the overall support and encouragement I have been provided by everyone here. In a sense you have all been with me along my journey and I am truly thankful!!!!!

As you already know my name is Samantha, I am a non transitioning hetero TG/CD girl. I am very part time when it comes to getting out and about in the real world but ambitious to do so whenever opportunity presents itself. My female spirit is ever present in mind and soul but the majority of the time it is not showing on the surface. I am definitely a high maintenance girl and getting myself together is much like a ritual and process. I would venture to say that 24 hrs. in a day wouldn't afford me enough time to coordinate and present this side of myself on a regular day to day basis.

I am HAPPILY MARRIED......that means I am devoted and dedicated to my lovely wife, our lives together, and our vows of matrimony we share together. She has been accepting and supportive of this side of ME since early on in our relationship. She has encouraged me to love, grow, and accept myself for who I am. I am extremely thankful, grateful, and fortunate that I have her love, support, and acceptance. These factors have certainly provided me with the means to gain a closer sense of balance, wholeness, and happiness within my own being. With all that being said I am not willing or open to private chats that would involve any suggestive comments or dirty talk. I would not overstep my boundaries toward anyone in that manner and would appreciate the same respect and courtesy in return.

I have a love for fashion, makeup, and pretty much EVERYTHING that is indeed feminine. I do love shopping but work very hard to curtail my impulses since I have already accumulated a substantial collection of lingerie and shoes. I am very fortunate that I have my generous wife who not only shares the closet with me but also shops a lot of the time with the intention of us both getting use out of things she buys. Her sense of style has definitely been a very big influence on how I present, especially on the surface.

In August of 2015 I had the honor and privilege to be elected as a member of the Vanity Club, a worldwide online sorority of trans women.

Please keep all the messages and comments coming. It gives me great joy to read everything, the greater joy is making the time to comment and respond back to you all.

Aktualisiert 15.2.2019)

Hallo zusammen und willkommen auf meiner Flickr-Seite. Ich bin seit Januar 2013 hier, kurz nachdem ich mich zum ersten Mal in die reale Welt hinausgewagt habe. Ich denke, dass es nach 6 Jahren überfällig ist, um einen detaillierteren Prolog und eine ausführlichere Biografie von mir selbst zu verfassen.

Bevor ich das tue, möchte ich EUCH ALLEN sagen, wie dankbar ich für all die Beiräge und wunderbaren Kommentare bin, die jeder im Laufe der Jahre zu meinen Fotos gemacht hat, für die Botschaften, die ich erhalten habe, und für die allgemeine Unterstützung und Ermutigung, die mir von allen hier zuteil wurde. In gewisser Weise habt Ihr mich alle auf meiner Reise begleitet, und ich bin Euch wirklich dankbar!!!!!

Wie Ihr bereits wisst, heisse ich Samantha und bin ein heterosexuelles TG/CD-Mädchen ohne Übergang. Ich bin sehr teilzeitlich, wenn es darum geht, in der realen Welt unterwegs zu sein, aber ich habe den Ehrgeiz, dies zu tun, wann immer sich die Gelegenheit dazu bietet. Mein weiblicher Geist ist im Geist und in der Seele immer präsent, aber die meiste Zeit zeigt er sich nicht an der Oberfläche. Ich bin definitiv ein pflegeintensives Mädchen, und mich selbst zusammenzubringen ist wie ein Ritual und ein Prozess. Ich wage zu behaupten, dass mir 24 Stunden am Tag nicht genug Zeit geben würden, um diese Seite von mir regelmäßig zu koordinieren und zu präsentieren.

Ich bin HAPPILY MARRIED........das heißt, ich bin meiner lieben Frau, unserem gemeinsamen Leben und unseren gemeinsamen Ehegelübden ergeben und zugetan. Sie hat diese Seite von MIR von Anfang an in unserer Beziehung akzeptiert und unterstützt. Sie hat mich ermutigt, mich zu lieben, zu wachsen und mich so zu akzeptieren, wie ich bin. Ich bin äussserst dankbar, verbunden und glücklich, dass ich ihre Liebe, Unterstützung und Akzeptanz habe. Diese Faktoren haben mir sicherlich die Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt, um ein stärkeres Gefühl der Ausgeglichenheit, Ganzheit und des Glücks in meinem eigenen Wesen zu erlangen. Nach allem, was gesagt wurde, bin ich nicht bereit oder offen für Privatgespräche, die irgendwelche suggestiven Kommentare oder Dirty Talk beinhalten würden. Ich würde meine Grenzen gegenüber niemandem auf diese Weise überschreiten und würde im Gegenzug denselben Respekt und dieselbe Höflichkeit schätzen.

Ich habe eine Liebe für Mode, Make-up und so ziemlich alles, was wirklich weiblich ist. Ich liebe es, einzukaufen, aber ich arbeite sehr hart daran, meine Impulse einzuschränken, da ich bereits eine beträchtliche Sammlung von Dessous und Schuhen angesammelt habe. Ich habe das grosse Glück, dass ich meine großzügige Frau habe, die nicht nur den Schrank mit mir teilt, sondern auch oft einkauft, mit der Absicht, dass wir beide Nutzen aus den Dingen ziehen, die sie kauft. Ihr Sinn für Stil hat definitiv einen sehr grossen Einfluss darauf, wie ich mich präsentiere, vor allem an der Oberfläche.

Im August 2015 hatte ich die Ehre und das Privileg, zum Mitglied des Vanity Club gewählt zu werden, einer weltweiten Online-Vereinigung von Transsexuellen.

Bitte lasst alle Nachrichten und Kommentare kommen. Es macht mir grosse Freude, alles zu lesen, umso mehr Freude macht es mir, mir die Zeit zu nehmen, Euch allen Kommentare und Antworten zukomnmen zu lassen

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Samanthas flickr-Datei:

Happy viewing
SissyGirl Jacqueline

Zuletzt von joggelich am Di Jul 07, 2020 10:42 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet

joggelich mag diesen Beitrag

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 9:09 am
Lieber Joggeli,

diese Zoe gefällt mir vom Gesicht her am besten. Eine äußerst interessante Erscheinung. Sie sieht fast aus wie eine Domina.
Also ist da eine gewisse Vorsicht geboten.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 9:16 am
Lieber Joggeli,

schön das du wieder aktiv bist.
In der Tat steckt viel Arbeit hinter deinen Nachforschungen nach den T-Girls.
Das muss einmal wieder gewürdigt werden.
Es wäre natürlich noch schöner, wenn wir neue Mitgliede gewinnen könnten.
Vielleicht hast du ja einige Adressen von Usern aus dem abgestürten Forum, so das du sie informieren kannst.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 9:25 am
Hi Polly,

dass mit dem Smartphone geht mir so etwas auf dem Geist.
Selbst im Restaurant am letzten Sonntag war das fürchterlich.
Ich kann das absolut nichr nachvollziehen. Da bekomme ich die Krise, und zweifel an den Verstand der Menschheit.
An deine Bilder hingegen habe ich keine Zweifel.
Eine modische Tortur muss auch das Tragen von Pumps für den ganzen Tag gewesen sein, obwohl ich sagen muss, dass das sehr schick aussieht, und ich sie auch manchmal in der Wohnung trage.
Das dunkelblaue Kleid mit der roten Mütze gefällt mir gut.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 10:29 am
Ich habe kein einziges Bild gesehen, dass den Verdacht bestätigt. Auch SissyJacqueline ist nichts dergleichen aufgefallen.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 3222
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 84
Ort : Basel

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

Sa Jul 04, 2020 11:39 am


Liebe Kundinnen und Kunden unseres TGirl-Abreissblattkalenders

What Karie Did, ausnahmsweise hier


This month we're bringing you Pride in July. It's fully intentional that we're a month late: we didn't want to detract from BLM.
We've been working on a series of interviews featuring amazingly talented artists, activists, and performers that we have been extremely excited to work alongside. We hope that these videos will be able to inspire and resonate with you. In the following weeks, we'll be releasing videos each weekend featuring different talented individuals within the spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Today we have an inspiring talk with Louisianna Purchase from the Boulet Brother's Dragula Season Three (now streaming on Netflix).

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 057dc38a-d3a3-48c6-87zwkx9

Drag, Horror and Glamour Queen from Austin, Texas

The 4th runner up in Season 3 of The Boulet Brothers’ DRAGULA, Louisianna Purchase, is a remarkable artist with a unique artistic perspective; with an impeccable eye for Vintage and a wicked twist in the macabre, they are indeed not a force to be reckoned with. Full Article:
UK/ROW https://www.whatkatiedid.com/blogs/ma...  

To keep busy during lockdown Cristian, from our Burbank location, has been chatting to drag and queer performers to give you some inspiration. Here he chats to the one and only Louisianna Purchase from season 3 of the Boulet Brothers' Dragula.

Who is Louisianna Purchase?


Thank you for coming and for getting on a little chat. I just wanted to talk with you and just show more of your art to our fans and get to know a little bit more about Louisianna Purchase. So talk a little bit about yourself. What's some of your inspirations? Or just basically who is Louisianna Purchase?


Absolutely. I've been doing drag for a little over six years now. I'm on season three of the Boulet Brothers' Dragula, which is a drag competition series and it's streaming on Netflix. So, that's very exciting. That happened last year and debuted last year. And I've just been kind of riding the wave since the show premiered traveling and performing. I do a mixture of drag and burlesque with a little bit of spookiness thrown in. But yeah, that's my main thing. I do burlesque, I do drag, different forms of visual art, but yeah, that's my main thing is performing live and doing drag.

My name? Well, I was born and raised in Louisiana, so I felt that it made sense; Louisiana Purchase; why not? And I made sure to Google it to make sure no one else had that name. And I'm the one and only Louisianna Purchase.


She clocked it. She's like, "This is mine."


This is mine. I'm like I'm from Louisiana.


It's like, "I'm branding, this is mine darling, you can't take it."


Just mine. Exactly. I remember my burlesque mother, my burlesque mentor is World Famous Bob. And we went to see Dita Von Teese perform. And Bob got a poster signed for me and when Dita asked, who would it be signed to? She said Louisiana Purchase. And Dita said that that was one of the best drag names she'd ever heard. So for me, that's the only seal of approval I need.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighterxgjp8

Who and What Influenced Louisianna Purchase


So let's throw it back a little bit, what were the influences that kind of affected you so much as a kid, that maybe kids nowadays, they're just getting into their gender identity and trying to discover who they are? What were some of the major influences that kind of really changed you as a person from a young age?


Yeah, whenever I was young, I was a big fan of the classic universal monster movies, the black and white ones, Bela Lugosi's Dracula, Frankenstein. I also watched, whenever I would come home from school, there was an old soap opera called Dark Shadows, which was all about vampires and witches and it would air as reruns whenever I would get home from school, so I would watch the Muppet show, Dark Shadows, and it kind of made this mesh of really peculiar influences for me. I love kind of the macabre Vampira that dark glamor is a huge inspiration for me. I also remember seeing Debbie Harry from Blondie for the first time on TV when I was really young. And I just remember she looked so beautiful and like a goddess and I just became obsessed with different ideals of beauty mixed with my love of the macabre and it kind of just all came out like this.


Yeah, I can fully relate with that. I feel like me can be as well, I relate with the macabre I feel like as a queer person, we're kind of always told we're the anti. And I feel like I always related with the antihero, whether it's from Disney characters or something. And I don't know, I fully relate with you on that hand. And I feel like so many can too as well.


Exactly. And that's why there's so many amazing queer horror movie writers, directors, producers. There's a great wealth of amazing queer horror books, films, anything to do with the genre that's out there that I suggest if you're a queer person and you are into horror, that there's some great material out there for you to kind of dive into.

Overcoming the Challenges


So let's throw it back into past Louisianna and talk about kind of more of the experiences that you've gone through that were harsher. I feel like I kind of want to talk about that and how you've kind of been able to push through it? Because I know somebody as the way that we look, we do get looks, we do get people talk behind our back, especially when we were younger. Now, what was something that kind of helped you to kind of move past that?


I think honestly, growing up in my very early 20's, I just developed an insane imagination and really use that as my security blanket and my home, my sense of self. I just really went into this world of creativity and just kind of lived in my own little bubble, my own protective bubble and it was just like comic books and movies and drawing. And just like all of these influences just kind of marinated inside that bubble. And that's what kept me alive and kept me going was just this survival technique, I guess. But again, it developed my creativity. And when you come to a certain point in life, you really do hit a point where you go, "You know what, this is my life. No one else can lead it for me. I've got to do the things that make me happy."

You have a fork in the road, you either can follow your dreams and just ignore what everyone else says, or you let them go. And I'm a type A Capricorn, and I refuse to let them go. So, sometimes we don't get instant gratification with the things we work for. Sometimes it's a delayed reaction. But never let go of your dreams is what I always say. And I said it on the show as well, no matter how far-fetched or how wild they seem, it's what keeps us going.


Yeah. As a queer person, I feel like our dreams are what kind of hold us and we can't lose that. Once we lose our dream, we lose our drive for life. And it starts showing the fall of somebody and that's when things start going bad. And especially in the queer community that I feel like a lot of people just don't have somebody to look up to or they just get lost. And I feel like I had that problem. And I really appreciate you for being so outspoken and being able to be who you are, because there's so many people in this world who are not allowed to be who they are. And you just being brave and you being out there, you're changing the lives of so many people. And whether for younger generations, you might not realize, people are going to look up to you and they're going to be influenced greatly by you.


I love that. And yeah, anything that people can draw inspiration from that I either do, or I say, that makes me incredibly happy. And that also is one of the points of doing all of this. I didn't necessarily have someone like a person there in my corner rooting me on to follow my dreams. But I had books that inspired me. I had music and movies and whatever it takes, whatever you need to do to hold onto those dreams, that's what I did. And your dreams and your hopes are such intertwined parts of us. They're part of you. And life is hard and it can beat the dreams out of you. But I just always say to hold onto those dreams. That's something that no one can take it away from you. If you cling to it, no one can take it away from you.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Lighterwmkx9

Vintage Inspiration

So what is it about vintage that caught your eye? What about the vintage? Was it the glamour?


Oh, I attribute it to a couple of things. One being, I remember being at a cabin with my parents when I was about five or six and there was a small little TV in there, but you couldn't control the channels. The head office would control whatever you watched. So we turned on the TV and immediately there was a pretty nude woman doing a feather fan dance. And I remembered that imagery. I'll never forget. She was holding huge white ostrich plume feather fans, and she had dark hair. And I remember just seeing that going, "Oh." The image instantly kind of...


Connected with you.


Yeah. It connected with me. And then, I was around in the heyday of the 90's when I feel vintage really got resurgence. In the days of like Nirvana and the grunge movement, everyone went to thrift shops, everyone shopped there. All my friends and I did. The more vintage you see, the more things you see that you connect with you delve into the history of those things. And that really got me into vintage. And then seeing all the gorgeous vintage, glamorous pieces in shops, so that when I started drag, I knew exactly what I wanted my aesthetic to be. And I love mixing glamor and just the beautiful cuts of just vintage clothing with kind of the dark slant to it. Very much like Vampira did in the grand tradition of Vampira. I just loved that dichotomy of the darkness and then this seemingly decadent lightness of glamor.


I've connected with that too. Because I remember growing up, I felt like one of the first experiences where I was exposed to burlesque, because I was watching Charlie's Angels yesterday and it just came to my memory because I was watching with my sister and she was doing my hair. Basically it's the burlesque scene with the Pussycat Dolls. And that was the first time I was ever exposed to burlesque. And remember I rented the movie. I was really young. I had to have been around the same age you were like seven, eight. And I remember watching it over and over and over. My mom came in and she took away my TV because she was like, "My son's straight. He's watching this. And he's being exposed." But it's like, I'm being exposed to the glamour. I love the hyper femininity that I was not allowed to have. Being hyper femininity, I was like, I wasn't allowed to be that. So getting a hyper dose of it was everything I wanted.


Exactly. And you know what, I'm glad that you mentioned that. Another thing that really drew me to drag and also helped me hang onto that dream, as a young child and a young adult being very, very hyper feminine and very thin, the whole kind of stereotype that we think of with young feminine, queer children. And just being downgraded for every aspect of that. Like every aspect of femininity being downgraded for it. And then when I started drag and then everything that I was told was wrong about me growing up, then became things I was celebrated for. Whenever you are at a very impressionable age and you're told that your dreams don't matter or that you are not right. When you're told you're not right on all aspects for years and years and years and years, and in your heart, I know that I'm an amazing person. I know that I have talents that I want to put out in the world, but if the door is constantly being shut against you.


And then I just held onto that thought that I have something to give. And then I started drag. And then again, what was negatives became positives. And that becomes very addicting. Being told you're not beautiful growing up and then finally being told that you are beautiful. It honestly was the most rewarding thing when I started drag was the instant confidence I got because of taking all those negatives and then in my world now they are positives. So it really just showed me that when something is that dear to your heart and doesn't leave your mind, that is something that you need to cling onto and you need to be doing.


I can fully relate with all that. I feel like so many can out there as well as, also too, I started really young. I was 16, working. I left school because of bullying and I was homeschooled for all of 16 through 18 until I graduated. And I worked hard. I worked from the time I was there and I got a good position in my job now. And I feel like people just shouldn't lose themselves because the thing that you get bullied for is the thing that ends up making you money when you get older.


Hanging On To Hopes And Dreams



Exactly. No, I was mercilessly teased for being so thin. I could never gain weight. I always had a super high metabolism. They're like, "You walk like a girl, you talk." Everything was like, "Like a girl." And I also remember in my mind thinking like, "What's so bad about that? Girls are awesome." I mean, you're coming at me. Like it's a negative thing in my little queer brain, I'm like, "All right! Yeah." And then also, if you want to delve more into even the more kind of a political slant is that, it's people telling you that femininity is wrong, is bad. And that just doesn't click with me, that doesn't. Even as a kid and I guess that's one of the reasons why I was able to kind of be really resilient and holding onto my dream. Because I was just like, "No, I think you all have your facts wrong. Femininity is amazing and I feel really blessed that I have these attributes and these are things that I love." It really just goes to show you that, I don't know. I always want people to hang onto their hopes, their dreams and their positivity in their life, because it's what's going to get you through the darker times.

And I know that I'm glad I did because there were years where I was like, "I don't know what I want to do with my life. I don't know. I just know that I have this desire to perform and be out there, but I don't know in what way." And just holding onto that dream, drag just literally fell into my lap. It was a total fluke. I went to a drag show and like six months later I was doing my first performance. Quickly all of my friends became drag queens. And I took to it like a duck to water. So, when the ball finally started rolling, it went pretty fast. I've been doing drag full time for the past three years. And after the second year of doing drag, I started winning best drag performer in the city of Austin, Texas, where I'm based out of. So quickly, it kind of shot up. And I knew, I was like, "Okay, I'm doing the right thing."


Like, "I'm on the right path. I found it."


Exactly, exactly.


What's Next For Louisianna Purchase


What's the next for Louisianna Purchase? What does Louisianna Purchase have planned?


Oh, I actually have quite a bit. I've been creating a lot of music video style, performance videos, and those have been really fun. And I have a laundry list of more that I'll be doing and I'll be creating more videos. I'll be hosting shows on Twitch as well as doing more digital drag shows of my own that I would do here in Austin. But I think the most exciting project that kind of again, started as a fluke is I was like, "Oh, it'd be fun to take some pinup Polaroids, some risque, in the grand tradition, sign them and sell them." Not really thinking anything of it, and the first set sold out in less than 15 minutes. So I started thinking, and now it's turned into this full fledged project of me doing different pin-ups, all different kinds of that there's kind of like more spookier ones. There's just more traditional. The whole gamut of burlesque and pinup. And the end result will be, I'm looking to compile a book. A pinup book of my pinup Polaroids. And I'm looking to release it next year. Because I'm going to continue through the rest of the year taking the actual photos.

And obviously whenever we are able to, I'm very much looking forward to getting back on the road and performing live. That's where I feel like I shine is onstage. And I miss it too. And I miss just seeing people and I'm looking forward to that happening again soon, hopefully.


Well, I want to thank you so much for being in this interview with us. And I'm going to be linking all of your information down below. So if you guys want to get into it and just get deeper into who Louisianna Purchase is and see more her performances, I would totally recommend. And I want to thank you so much for being a part of this.

Herzliche Grüsse
Euer SissyGirl Jacqueline, deputy CEO und CoCPO der Abreissblattkalenderverlag Inc.

Zuletzt von joggelich am Di Jul 07, 2020 10:48 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1961
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 64
Ort : Confoederatio Helvetica

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

So Jul 05, 2020 6:56 am
Hi Moni

Die zu kurzen strumpfhosen kenne ich vor allem aus kindertagen.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 50077065968_70b0a10f82_ogirl and boy by yesterdays girl, auf Flickr

Gerade die nicht sehr elastischen strickstrumpfhosen passten nur eine relativ kurze zeit richtig gut.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 42451147315_d3f0663efc_olittle bellinda by pretty tights, auf Flickr

Das war mit den feinstrumpfhosen dann natürlich vorbei.
Da hast du recht ob ausflug oder spaziergang am sonntag trug man nur das beste.
Die Mutter ein kostüm der vater im sonntagsanzug und ich im sonntagskleid mit der oblgatorischen weissen strumpfhose.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 50077971102_0e0a693a5d_odresses by yesterdays girl, auf Flickr

Gut zugeben meine kleider waren schichter aber trotzdem sehr chic.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

So Jul 05, 2020 10:21 am
Hi Polly, genauso war es auch bei mir.
Aber das war wohl damals so üblich.
Ich muss immer wieder schmunzeln wenn meine Eltern, Sonntagsgerecht ausgingen.
Papa im Anzug und manchmal auch mit Krawatte und Mama im Kleid oder Kostüm. Da sie gelernte Schneiderin war, war sie immer top gekleidet. Sie sah richtig schick und "up to date" aus.
Nun gut, meine Mutter sah auch gut aus. Schlank und tolles Haar.
Nun ja, Strickstrumpfhosen trug ich nie, meine Schwester schon. Ich hätte damals nie im Leben eine Strickstrumpfhose getragen. Das wäre bei meinen gleichaltrigen Freunden garantiert nicht gut angekommen. Very Happy
Die Kleider auf deinem Letzten Bild sehen absolut suuuuuper aus.

Deine Moni
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1961
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 64
Ort : Confoederatio Helvetica

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

So Jul 05, 2020 4:06 pm
Hi Moni

Hier mal was chices aus den nachrkiegsjahren.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 24349761671_b7e2108976_6kGlamour-Feb 1946 by File Photo Digital Archive, auf Flickr

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 24993095866_d1bd7ce5f6_6kGlamour-Feb 1946 by File Photo Digital Archive, auf Flickr

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 26250829642_b766b9e8c9_6kGlamour-Feb 1946 by File Photo Digital Archive, auf Flickr

Vor allem gefällt mir das "gucklock" im letzen kleid.
Ganz schön raffiniert und gar nicht bieder.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 1961
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 64
Ort : Confoederatio Helvetica

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

So Jul 05, 2020 6:37 pm
Hallo ihr zwei

Ich hoffe die anfangsprobleme sind überwunden?
Aber bei fragen stehe ich immer zur verfügung.

Ich habe da wieder was wenigstens für mich überraschendes gefunden.

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 25494879970_4c01702c10_6k1958-Woman's Day by File Photo Digital Archive, auf Flickr

Wenn man genau hinsieht kann man bei dem mädchen rechts die naht und die ferse von einem strumpf erkennen.
Ich wusste gar nicht das es für das alter schon nylons gab?

Weis da jemand was genaueres?
Ich bin sehr gespannt.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

So Jul 05, 2020 10:36 pm
Hi Polly,

ich bin da überfragt, denn ich bin selbst überrascht.
Vielleicht kann Joggeli das Rätsel lösen.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7106
Anmeldedatum : 01.07.20
Alter : 68
Ort : Duisburg - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

So Jul 05, 2020 10:38 pm
Hi Polly,

dass hätte ich für dieses Jahrzehnt auch nicht vermutet.

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Girls and Boys - Seite 3 Empty Re: Girls and Boys

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